I never was so happy to touch land before. I bought some Nicorrette gum to make my time on the plane more durable, not being able to smoke at all, and it work. This sign is from the Incheon airport, and shows that having a sign in English and Spanish really isn't that big of a deal. It could be worse.

Korean Caribou, which happened to be right beside my gate. It wasn't like I was looking for it or anything >_>

Fat-ass Americans and their large sizes. Their Americano was pretty good, although it lacked a good crema at the top and, well, was automatic. I miss the sound of clanging, as now it seems like the sound of true coffee-making.

Oh, damn Xiamen. My ass belongs in Nagoya!

The sun rising over the mountains at the Korean airport. It was truly beautiful. And then...being next to a glass wall, it got f*qing hot.
There's a contrast developing between those who know and those who aren't familiar with Chinese customs and habits. Although the language barrier that some of us have is a big indication, other things are also coming into play, such as customs when eating, serving drinks, treating guest, etc. I remember when all that shit was knew to me, so it's great to be on the other end of the confusing and being able to help out in any way that I can. I like being able to say, "well, you know..." 'cause I wish someone had told that shit to me when I went to China last year. And they did tell me a lot, those kind people up North in Beijing, but there are some things like "how do I beautify the can of used toilet paper in my bathroom since I can't flush it down the drain" that would have helped me in the monkey see-monkey do phase of things.
Today, we had our welcoming ceremony which was mainly a power-point and some speeches, and then we had the opportunity to climb to the tallest building on campus and look down on it all. From 21 stories, I could see the ocean and the sea blend together, the small islands just off the coast, the chaos and the perfect blending of nature and man-made structure...I got a little sad after that, and went off by myself.
My life is too beautiful right now. My grandma just had surgery, however, and is feeling unnaturally bad from it. Pray for her, please.
God bless
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