Monday, March 30, 2009

Warning part deux!

That whole non-smoking thing...

Damn. I made it last then 24 hours.

But, i'm optimistic, because I wasn't going through a withdrawal like "oh, I hurt!" but more along the lines of, "I know I should be smoking...where are my cigarettes?" I would reach for them, and they weren't there. I would see someone smoke on TV or in a movie, and I would reach for my cigs to join them, and then I saw that I didn't have anymore, so I got really sad...and I overate.

Cigarettes are a form of consumption that takes place every 2 hours or so, so instead of smoking, I ate:

A cinnamon pancake I whipped up
BBQ plate from Cookout
Blueberry cheesecake milkshake from Cookout
A hamburger from a cookout my mom went to
A hotdog from a cookout my mom went to
5 chicken wings
some crab salad

And, the most surprising,
2 glasses of Diet Pepsi...but, I don't drink soda, which is the weird thing.

Oh, foiled again! Better luck next time!


Diadra said...

wow. better luck next time.

...find a healthy snack? or chew gum?

Derek said...

mmm...healthy snack :-)

Anonymous said...

well, at least what you ate was delicious. the people here keep telling me they know what barbeque is, but from what i've experienced, they've got it all wrong.

and i've convinced a friend to visit me at some point in time just for a milkshake from cookout. apparently my description of them made her want to disown her addiction to burger king milkshakes and head over to the states.