Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Touch of Beijing in the South/Northern Heat

It's amazing what happens when you go out and meet people.

Tonight, instead of sleeping like a good boy, I decided to go to the sauna, and I met this really interesting dude from the capitol city. He was the most intelligent Chinese speaking man I've ever met (meaning, he can't speak English), but he was the first every Chinese man to bring up any topics that really affect gay men, including HIV, the culture here, the venues, the differences between Western and CHinese men--all without giving me his name or his QQ.

What's the best part?

Homeboy is from my city of love--Beijing.

Oh, his Chinese was so standard, and everything sounded so crisp and clean and beautiful! I haven't heard such fantastic Chinese in months! Also, if you've heard the Beijing accent, you know it can be sexy as all hell~! It's why I even consider Chinese men sexy, 'cause I know when worse comes to worse, they will sound like men and not like snakes.

He had a swagger too, with his 33 year old, military hair cut havin', black mafia coat wearin', lip curlin' sexy ass...

Ok, I really need to take my ass home! I've been in this country too damn long--if I keep meeting Beijing men while I'm here (there's still the airport later on), I might just keep my black ass here in this yellow oasis...

Just kidding!

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