Saturday, April 25, 2009


Derek and Sarah

Jon, Phebe, and Derek

Derek + Travis

Derek + Phebe (the night we won the NCAA!)

Amber and Sarah (who is smiling with her eyes)

Went out with Amber and Sarah tonight, and it was nice. We went to Carrboro Crossing and had rum and cokes, gin and tonics, amaretto sours, and good conversation with pictures to boot! With our language skills, I determined we can conquer Asia since we each have our own specialty. Unfortunately, China gets no love, but then again, it really doesn't need it since it's the SHIT!

I'm not drunk, I promise.

Man, ppl in front of Caribou. There're a lot of assholes who hang out in front of there, and when I'm around them I feel as though it's their mission to suck my energy out so they can replace it all with hate. Just like a dialysis machine, only instead of dirty blood for clean blood, it's positivity for negativity, and the whole affair makes me want to wash my hands of the coffee affair. At least drunks like to go to sleep--those psedo-coffee drinks are so hyped up on coffee that they ain't even scared of the po-po. Word? Just the other day one of them let the air out of Bosslady's tires, and when I parked Bertha-Nellie in front of the shop today, I made the sign over the cross over the old girl. She made it through ^_^

I'm graduating soon, but I realize that if this whole going to China thing doesn't work out like I want it to, I don't have any other recourse, really, accept to work like the average college student. I'm still operating on the school calendar, so I'd have to wait until next August or something before I could land a new gig. Wow, could I really work in an office? Or, maybe I'd be to scared to leave and I'd try to land a gig at the CAC or in the Study Abroad Office. I coudl work at the SAO, though...Imagine me, sending kids off to China, making sure they'd stop off at sketchy ass places like Kunming, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Macao (Aomen). Then they'd see the real China.

1 comment:

Amber is not pleased said...

I don't approve of that photo... Also how are you going to get a job in the Study Abroad Office? What secrets do you know that I don't??