Thursday, August 21, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Hello! This is Derek's blog about his adventures in China. He has a week left in the states, so he doesn't know if the Chinese gov will even let him post on his blog..."reform and opening up" my behind.

Haha, did you get that?

I got a lot to do within this last week, but I hope that address can serve as a way of staying up-to-date on all the sights and sounds I get to experience this Fall. I'll do better this time, I swear, and keep a concise collection. This blog shall be rated PG-13 unless otherwise noted.

God created us all in His image. It is a privilege to witness the many ways His presence is reflected in humanity.


Daegan said...

Woo hoo! You're coming back to China. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your blog. Don't worry, China shouldn't block it. I'm on mine all the time. I hope to come see you guys, but let me know when your fall break is so I can plan ahead. Safe journeys!!!!!

Krysta said...

i'll be reading. you better have fun over there!

pb™ said...


Krysta said...

why can't you be here to help me with chinese? uuuggggghhhhhhhhh

psyche09 said...

I miss you already! Be sure to post regularly so I can read of your adventures and conquests...

Sil76 said...

Hope you're having lots of fun already, m'dear! Update soon, we all miss you!!!!!!!!!!
