Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gratitude 5

I'm grateful for:

1) finishing my China World Views paper;
2) not wanting to kill myself after (still!) being awake for more than 24 hours;
3) how nothing throws off Tyra's sense of right and wrong;
4) menfolk;
5) the rain that keeps the porch people away from Caribou;
6) one-way tickets...I hope CTLC will reimbursed me for an estimated round-trip even if I don't buy the round-trip. I mean, hell, who says I'm even going back to American in July anyway, and BETTER YET, when have two one-ways ever been cheaper than a round-trip? Someone is trying to gas my ass.


Diadra said...
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Diadra said...

You ARE buying a round-trip ticket (if you get the group ticket/book through the group agent), but the return date is subject to change. When you book it, it is set for February since you can't book a flight so far ahead. Later, you'll change it, and that should be a fee-free change.
CTLC reimburses however much your ticket costs, up to a specific amount (ours was $1500), but no more than your ticket price.
If you decide to stay in China, you might need to go back to the US anyway for visa purposes, if it requires you to be in the country of issue (like the Z visa).