Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pieces and Peace


Grow the hell up.

Everyone ought to know, at this stage of the game, to be responsible for your own actions. Often times there are plenty of extenuating circumstances, but when a person has a hand in the outcome of his or her own destiny, that person should admit their fault when they fail to deliver.

Humility is a trait I didn't have much of growing up, and one of the reasons is that I compensated for my low self-esteem through continual promotion of myself and my perceived attributes. At some point, this means of existing wouldn't make the cut with many of my close intimates, and they were quick to put me in my place. My time in China, in addition, has taught me the value of harmony, and the value of not rocking the boat; sometimes it's best to hold your piece instead of flying off at the handle for the sake of everyone's continual advancement and a general peace.

Why bring this up? A certain person whose behavior I have been indulging came to me incorrectly over an issue that was her fault. By creating a situation where the incident could take place, it is therefore her fault that it took place. However, even if it weren't directly her fault, the way she approached this issue really was inappropriate. Instead of discussing it or telling me what was on her mind, she flung out the issue as an indirect insult as I was approaching her about yet another issue. Instead of reproaching her, which is my usual custom, I decided to hold my piece and let it go, retreating instead to a particularly plot twisting episode of Law & Order: SVU (Christopher Meloni = ideal man). What makes me upset about it is not the issue itself (it's minor), but that she brought up something that happened three nights ago that had obviously been eating her up, and that her attitude took away a little of my piece of mind in a place where I'm supposed to be comfortable.

Why am I so vague? Because although she doesn't care enough about me to actually read my blog, there's a chance that she might, and I don't want to put her on blast and force the two of them to gang up on me; however, what's started out as an economic relationship between friends could turn sour if I start to feel threatened or that I'm in a situation where I don't have control.

Humility. Growing up. Being adult about things. Speaking one's mind. Harmony. Gosh, the otherside of maturity is really tough.

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